Longxu Dou 窦隆绪
I am a Research Scientist at Sea AI Lab, with a focus on Natural Language Processing,
particularly in multilingual large language model pre-training and text-to-SQL semantic parsing.
I earned my Ph.D. and Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Harbin Institute of Technology.
I have also had the opportunity to work as a research intern at Microsoft Research Asia with Jian-Guang Lou
and at NUS-WING Lab with Professor Min-Yen KAN.
We are actively hiring (Senior) Research Scientists, Engineers, and Interns in NLP/LLM.
Internship positions are available both onsite (in Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Singapore) and remotely.
I’m always open to discussions and collaborations.
Feel free to reach out via email with your background and interests!
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